Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pioneer High Marching Band - Concert Band Edition

I rejoined the corporate workforce back in August, so haven't had a lot of energy for the care and feeding of The Brouhaha.

However, last night was pretty special - The Button and other members of the Pioneer Concert band joined the Symphony Band on the field during the half-time show of the Pioneer vs. Chelsea game.

(video also posted on YouTube CLICK HERE)

Pioneer does not field all of the student musicians for marching. Only the top band, Symphony, is allowed to march. But for one game each Fall, the kids in Concert band get to participate. The Button LOVES marching, and the excitement in our household for the past couple weeks has just been bubbling over.

And while it was unfortunate that the football team lost to Chelsea in a spirited, close match-up, the combined bands looked and sounded awesome. Lots of proud parents in the stands.

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