Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bloggers For Reformed Health Care

Word has it that President Obama sent out a call to high-profile progressive bloggers to beat the bushes for health care reform.

The Brou may not have nearly the number of followers as say, the Huffington Post, but I'll do my part.

Take a look at this quote from today's online Washington Post:
"As his committee has taken center stage in the battle over health-care reform, Chairman Baucus (D-Mont.) has emerged as a leading recipient of Senate campaign contributions from the hospitals, insurers and other medical interest groups hoping to shape the legislation to their advantage. Health-related companies and their employees gave Baucus's political committees nearly $1.5 million in 2007 and 2008, when he began holding hearings and making preparations for this year's reform debate."
Now, regardless of where you fall in the debate, this is just crazy. Max Baucus of California is in my own Democratic party, for god's sake, and it makes me ill. Like Mark Sanford exhibiting stupidly poor judgment by"going hiking on the Appalachian Trail," how can any elected official think it's even remotely acceptable to take this kind of money from Big Medical?

I understand that drug makers, hospitals, and insurers employ thousands of Americans and contribute to hundreds of communities. But there's no way these folks are hoping to create a better health care solution for their employees and neighbors. Their mission is to protect the bottom line, and their shareholders' profits. Period.

And that had better NOT be the mission of any government official - elected or appointed - in this country. Period.

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