Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's the Economy, Stupid

Yesterday’s above-the-fold, front page headline in the Ann Arbor Snews screamed “Foreclosure Rate Jumps 90%.”

Every weekend I scan the real estate listings and am reminded of how the value of my home has shrunk (thank heavens–and the good sense lessons of my ex-husband–that I didn’t buy my townhouse last year with an ARM mortgage). I pay $300 a month for health care insurance. I drop probably $100 a week at Busch’s. Last night it cost me $40 to fill up the tank of my little car.

I had imagined the economy was a regionalized problem, that we here in Michigan are feeling the hurt the most and it’s not as big an issue in other parts of the country. But whether you’re living in Anchorage or Tampa, I think economic stresses are impacting everyone’s day-to-day lives. It’s our anxiety touchstone. At the close of last night’s facebook-sponsored debates in New Hampshire, a live poll asked facebook members which topic they wished the Democratic candidates had talked more about. 42%, the largest group, said they wished the candidates had talked more about the economy.

Yes, the war in Iraq and national security are still important. Yes, we’re still worried about healthcare and the environment. But nine months from now, as we enter the home stretch of the presidential election, the economy is going to be the top issue.

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