Thursday, August 16, 2007


“I’d love to see the day when we have over 100 trunks!” exclaimed Keith Orr, sweeping his hand back in the direction of the 12 or 15 folks who had backed up their trucks and cars, trunks open, for Trunk-a-palooza in the Market area at Kerrytown.

I heard about Trunk-a-palooza last year, but never had the opportunity to attend. It’s basically a two-hour flea market set up in the Farmers' Market stalls. You back up, pay $20 to participate, and set out as much stuff as your trunk will hold. A portion of the proceeds go to local charities. “Plus, we’re really trying to increase interest and activity in the area on non-Farmers' Market days,” said Orr, co-owner of aut Bar and a member of the Kerrytown District Association.

Easier than a garage sale.

I have some friends who seem to be compulsive garage sale hosters, and the appeal has always been lost on me. Seems like a lot of work to make just a few bucks to add the vacation fund jar. Personally, I’ve always just favored the take-the-junk-to-the-PTO-Thrift-Shop approach. But I like the Trunk-a-palooza concept because it lets you get rid of a few odds and ends for much less work, it’s more social, and plus you’re contributing to charity and the vitality of a great area of town. What’s not to like?

I saw some funky dresses that looked like something my mom would have worn drinking martinis at a hipster pool party, if Mom had been a martini drinker and we had known anyone who had a pool. And this grouping of salt and pepper shakers proved to be my introduction to Keith Orr. “Where did all these shakers come from?” I asked the man standing behind the table. “You haven’t been systematically lifting them from diners across the area?” He responded that they came, legitimately, from a restaurant supply store. “How did you come across a restaurant supply store?” I asked. (what a penetrating intellect) He answered that he owns aut Bar across the street, and had been one of the founders of Trunk-a-palooza.

And thus a blog post is born.

Trunk-a-palooza takes place on the fourth Thursday of every warm-weather month, 5pm-7pm in the Market area at Kerrytown. ALERT! The August 23 Trunk will feature barbeque, beer, and free live music by Whit Hill and the Postcards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandy,
It's been almost 20 years (I can't believe it!) since I left my beloved A2. Never dreaming that I'd be living in the Northwest and rarely having the chance to visit my old college stomping grounds. Your humorous (maybe you should have been writing for CC way back when?) blogs bring me right back as if it were yesterday, the only difference is I'm not buzzed or hungover at this moment. Bring on the Daqueries! I would love to attend Trunk-a-palooza being the ultimate second hand bargain shopper that I am. But I loved your blogs on the Art Fair, Top of the Park and Shakespear in the Arb (a lovely place)and just the name Zingermann's makes me hungry.
Keep up the good word!
Janet in Seattle